Saturday, November 24, 2018

How to Play Pool Like a Pro

There are more than a quarter million people playing pool in organized pool leagues. Go to your local pub and there's bound to be some people playing on the pool table. Why? Because it's fun and competitive. It does not cost an arm and a leg to play. A game costs about four quarters to play which makes it cheaper than playing a round of golf or going to the movies.

With so many people playing pool, you may ask yourself, "How do I learn how to play pool?" The answer can be as simple or as complicated as you want it to be. If you just want to play casually with your friends to have fun, then you simply need to learn the rules, learn how to hold the cue properly and learn how to pocket balls. If you want to become a World Champion, then you'll need to study the intricate physics of the game. Pool is a very psychological game so to reach the highest levels you will surely need to learn how to control the mental aspects of the game. Practice and regular competition will need to become a staple in your life. People have sent lifetimes winning knowledge and trying to master the sport.

You may find yourself somewhere in between these extremes. Fortunately, there have been hundreds of books written about how to play pool. There are also plenty of good resources on the internet. Choosing where to start or having a good guide may be a daunting task. I'll give you a good starting point for your journey.

1) Equipment

First you'll need to choose your equipment. You could grab a house cue and play with it if you're a casual player. House cues are not going to be consistent from one to another. This will become frustrating for any player to learn a new cue every time you play. Another problem is the tip. Tips on house cues a strictly maintained properly. This will result in miscues and make the game seem harder than it actually is. If you plan to play on more of a regular basis, then you'll definitely want to get yourself a descent cue.

2) Physics

You'll need to learn how to aim properly. Learn where the balls are going to go after the shot. There are many basic principals that every pool player should know. There are also many subtle effects that you'll learn years later as you reach higher levels of play.

3) Mental

If you think you can - you can, if you think you can not - you can not. Do not underestimate the power of your mind. All winners have several characteristics in common. You'll need to learn what these are and how to adopt them if you do not have them already. You already have one of them.

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